Apollo 11 Post

The movie, ‘Apollo 11’ replicated a very historical time period within American history. Under the presidential reign of Richard Nixon, landing on the moon was an important step forward for mankind. Not only was landing on the moon a significant milestone but being able to launch a spaceship that far implied militaristic strengths as well. Given the time period, communism … [Read more...]

ERA #7, The Case for Trump Chapter 11

In the book, ‘The Case for Trump’ written by Victor Davis Hanson, chapter 11, ‘Trump, The Tragic Hero?' highlights President Trump and his reputation that he has created for himself. Tragic heroes are not intrinsically noble; much less are they likable and can often be obnoxious and petty, if not dangerous, especially to those around them. Characters such as these have been … [Read more...]

The Case for Trump Chapter 7 Post

In the book, ‘The Case for Trump’ written by Victor Davis Hanson, chapter 7, ‘Trump on Decline’ highlights Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again’.  Thus implying that America was not previously doing well from a universal standpoint because of previous political leaders. More specifically, this is due to the poor political performances from opposing political parties. … [Read more...]

The Case for Trump Chapter 4 Post

In the book, ‘The Case for Trump’ written by Victor Davis Hanson, chapter 4, ‘Democratic Tribalism’ highlights anti-Trump campaigns that focused on his personal image rather than his political image. Thus meaning that opposing candidates in the 2016 U.S. election, such as Hillary Clinton, created negative advertising against him. According to this book, $250 million was spent … [Read more...]

ERA #6, The Case for Trump Chapter 3

In the book, ‘The Case for Trump’ written by Victor Davis Hanson, chapter 3, ‘Modern Day Presidential’ highlights how and why Trump overshadowed his ideas and won the Republican nomination and election. Due to his characteristics, some wonder why people supported him throughout his political campaign. Although he made outrageous claims, Trump was never abandoned by his … [Read more...]