The Case for Trump Chapter 7 Post

In the book, ‘The Case for Trump’ written by Victor Davis Hanson, chapter 7, ‘Trump on Decline’ highlights Trump’s slogan ‘Make America Great Again’.  Thus implying that America was not previously doing well from a universal standpoint because of previous political leaders. More specifically, this is due to the poor political performances from opposing political parties. More so than not though, political leaders present the same ideas in terms of making promises and statements that imply improvement for America. Given America’s relentlessness from technology and machinery, we are bound to excel forward from an economic standpoint; Trump emphasizes this through his propaganda.

2 thoughts on “The Case for Trump Chapter 7 Post

  1. I also noticed how the author noted how Trumps slogan made a connection to both the past and the future in that it reflected on past leadership but also looked forward to a better future that he would supposedly provide. Thus, Trump’s slogan made voters see a future with him in it showing how his slogan was very good at helping him gain support.

  2. When considering the infamous slogan “Make America Great Again,” it is important to note that this implies a return to the past. While Trump may claim that this means a return to the America that allowed for all Americans to have the capability of obtaining the American Dream, a return to the past also implies that many former restrictions on minority groups may be reignited. Not only this, but the freedom that women experience now may be once again restricted. Instead of returning to the past, I believe that it is necessary to move forward and improve the country instead of looking to replicate our history when addressing issues that our country is facing today. While this slogan appealed to many in America and influenced the outcome of the election, it also repelled many for various reasons such as the one I have previously stated.

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