This chapter is about the lowbrow forms of sex that we don’t acknowledge as much; masturbation and pornography. The chapter focused on the effects of pornography on people’s views and relationships. Pornography can create fantasies for people and ones that they want to pursue. It can also create these images and virtual realties that those who watch believe and seek for, but actually most of the realties are unrealistic. So, there is a common problem of having unsatisfied sex due to pornography because they don’t experience the presumptive realties that they were hoping for. Some people can become so attached to pornography and in doing so it deters them from having actual, physical and intimate relationships with others. Pornography for some fits their sexual desires and they feel content watching pornography instead, and with this comes masturbation which if not most of the time occurs when people watch pornography.
Masturbation is a healthy and good way to know your body and to relax. Pornography can be good for masturbation too as it can enhance and improve masturbation, but I think there is a point where there is too much pornography. It is stopping or cutting down your viewing before pornography affects your views of sex negatively and that differentiates for everyone. Pornography is big in the sex industry as it brings in a good amount of money every year. It should remain in society as seen negative or ‘forbidden,’ but given awareness that many people watch it and that it contains false realties for the most part.
I felt as though this ERA had some strong points and incorporated personal opinions and ideas about the topic. Pornography, for some, fits their sexual desires and they feel content watching pornography instead of having real sex; with this comes masturbation, which takes place when people watch pornography. A main point that I think you could have included in this piece of writing is the discussion of Carlos and Melina and how the utilization of pornography affects their relationship. Here, you can find a specific example that directly ties into the points you make. Other than this, your writing was well put.
When you speak how “there is a point where pornography is too much” I completely agree with. I understand why pornography exists and some people have different interests than others. But, at some point there is a limit to how addictive or obsessive one can be towards pornography. One of the interviewees for example, Carlos, takes pornography to a whole new level. Being in a relationship with someone, but still having pictures and videos of his exes and using them for his own pleasure, is what I think is too far. Needing to use his girlfriends computer for his own pleasure, is taking pornography too far as well. There is a limit of respect with using pornography within a relationship.
In Carlos’s case, where he is using his girlfriend’s computer to access pornography, is when you cut off all pornography or the relationship ends. Sex is a privilege and it is not to be taken for granted. Carlos’s addiction to pornography is going to affect his sex life with his girlfriend and ultimately ruin his relationship unless he changes his ways. I think this an example of addiction and how it can negatively affect your life and others, but also this applies for any form of addiction.