ERA #2
In this section of All The Pretty Horses (31-59), John Grady and Rawlins are beginning there journey down to Mexico. They are really in an adjustment period for the bulk of this chapter, this can be seen by Rawlins slight… Read moreERA #2
In this section of All The Pretty Horses (31-59), John Grady and Rawlins are beginning there journey down to Mexico. They are really in an adjustment period for the bulk of this chapter, this can be seen by Rawlins slight… Read moreERA #2
This book shows three American boys who have decided that running off to Mexico was in their best interest. They leave the ‘land of the free’ to go to another more physically free place. I found it interesting that these… Read moreImmigration in Pretty Horses
My imagine of the wild west is more confirmed after reading All the Pretty Horses. Not one character is short of being who I would think wild west people to be. The language they use is exactly what I would expect…. Read moreAll the Pretty Horses Pg.139-217
John Grady Cole seems to portray an identity that is filled with passion and pragmatism. He is a man of few words, and he goes about life in a very unique manner. This paints an interesting picture, and many modern… Read moreJohn Grady Cole Reflection
Pages 139-179 of All the Pretty Horses contain a lot of unfolding action that develops the plot much further. John Grady Cole has been chasing Alejandra in a pursuit of passion that he felt in prior relations. John’s only issue is that… Read moreERA (McCarthy, pp. 139-179)