The film, ‘The Witch” directed and written by Robert Eggers, shares many of the same concepts that our class has touched on thus far especially in regards to Samuel Huntington’s ‘Who Are We?’ I enjoyed watching this movie particularly because of the plot as I found it to be engaging and moderately scary. The plot of the movie focuses on a New England family in the seventeenth century that has experienced troubles with witchcraft. The farmer, William, was removed from his Puritan homestead because of a difference in religious viewpoints; thus resulting in the relocating of his family to nearby a forest. While things began to settle down, the mother, Katherine, had delivered a new baby. One day, the baby magically disappeared while playing in the backyard, leading to a series of unfortunate events. Katherine basically lost her mind and was very blameful to the child who was with the baby during the time of disappearance; furthermore, the families’ crops failed and were faced with ‘bad luck’. Despite the plotline, one of the key aspects that stood out to me in this movie was the cultural influence. It was inferred that the Puritans removed the New England family from their group due to opposition in religious beliefs. This ideology derives from wanting a community or society to be pure and to have every individual believe in the same mannerisms. The concept of identity comes into play as the Puritans were not in favor of what the family was practicing. Upon this decision, in efforts to keep the community as wanted, the family was despised and banned.