Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America: “How Equality Suggests to the Americans the Indefinite Perfectibility of Man”

According to Tocqueville, man will forever keep improving to reach perfectibility and I can agree with that because one is not born perfect, and they must learn and correct themselves to be better. The difference Tocqueville explores is that in aristocracy man can be improved but not indefinitely but in democracy man can be improved indefinitely. He says that aristocracy people believe there is a certain limit to which humankind can improve to; one that isn’t reached yet but there is a maximum of improvement. I think there is no limit to improvement, but it is not possible to reach ultimate perfection. In my eyes, humanity will forever improve to be better but will not reach perfection as flaws will always be present. Humans should seek to improve and reach perfection as it will make society stronger and better.

In society where people are classed by rank, profession, or by birth, people are less likely to seek past their pre-conceived destiny. It is a matter of hope and belief that you can push past the notion of their pre-determined lives based on their rank, profession, or by birth. It is not set in stone the future of people’s lives; there may be an opinionated fate but it is up to the person to determine how their life will be and if it will improve. I believe that one must improve and push past their pre-determined life in hopes of reaching perfection yet not ever achieving perfection.

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