1 thought on “Some background notes on human behavior and society, as promised in syllabus

  1. These notes were both interesting and informative. Having not taken the introduction to sociology course, or even any sociology course ever, this was particularly helpful in providing basic information. To me, the most interesting part of the background information was the parts about aggression and violence between different genders. More specifically, the section that explains young men are most likely to commit acts of violence and aggression. Often, these unfortunate acts are sexual violence that occur from competition over women. As mentioned in the notes, the most dangerous person to a woman is their spouse or boyfriend, or even more so their ex-boyfriend or ex-spouse. This was not extremely surprising, but just interesting to read and investigate. Another part of the notes that I found interesting was that most of the time in the United States men are more likely to commit murder as well as be a victim of murder. The part about men committing more murders was not too shocking, but the fact that their percentage of being victims of murder was consistently way higher was a little suprising. In addition, the notes also include other interesting facts about murder as well as other human interactions. Overall, these notes not only were helpful in giving some basic information about sociology, but also included some interesting facts about society in general.

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