Bias against the religious in “The VVitch”?

It has long been known that Hollywood and ‘big entertainment’ producers often have a significant bias against religious people. One classic example is Fox cartoons, in which the religious people, Ned Flanders from the Simpsons, Mort from Family Guy, and… Read moreBias against the religious in “The VVitch”?

God and/or Nature in Tocqueville’s Explanation of the Physical World

Democracy in America was written in 1835, before philosophies such as Marxism, Nihilism, Scientific Materialism, biological determinism/sociobiology, moral relativism, moral subjectivism, began to become prominent influences in shaping people’s worldviews from the mid-late 1800s about to the present. A recent… Read moreGod and/or Nature in Tocqueville’s Explanation of the Physical World