Short Essay 7 (due Dec. 6)

We’ve now read a good deal of The Case for Trump. Using the readings, respond to the statement in bold below. You may take any position on it you like; just be sure that you make a case for your position based on the readings. Hanson's reasoning concerning the 2016 election is weak and indefensible. Trump was an exceptionally unprepared and incompetent candidate who was … [Read more...]

on pop music getting dumber

Some of you asked me for more info on this theme. Here's a write-up of a study done some years ago. Also a video summary of some of the same information. (and here's the actual study). Here's another more recent piece citing some other research on this. I don't know if anything else along the lines of the big 2012 study has been done in the past 7 years, but I don't see … [Read more...]

On Final Portfolios

Let’s make the due date Wednesday, December 18.  This will give me enough time to get all of them graded in two classes in time for grades to go in on the following Monday.  You can email it to me as a pdf or Word document.  PLEASE be sure it is in one or another of these formats and that it is attached to your email.  You should include a heading at the beginning of … [Read more...]

Some recent survey data on attitudes toward President Trump and on racism in the US more generally

American likely voters just about split on whether Trump is a racist (47%) or his opponents are accusing him of racism merely for political gain (49%). Almost a third of Democrats believe that any criticism of a racial minority politician by a white person is racist. … [Read more...]

Victor Davis Hanson on ‘Uncommon Knowledge’

Discussing the book you are presently reading. … [Read more...]