The film Dark Days followed around the lives of people living underground in the subway system of NYC. These people are considered homeless and many do not have jobs. I find it interesting how this group of people have created their own societal structure outside of the societal structure in the city above them. They completely disregard that they are no longer a part of the society above ground and many do not want to go outside of the tunnels. There are still a few that want to get out of this new system, and they are trying to dig themselves out. Yet, some of them are fully content with the life they are living and say they have no desire to live above ground because they do not want to conform to the society pressures that the societies above ground push onto you.
A part of why these people remain in the situations that they are in is because the people who they are living around in these underground tunnels all have the same story as them. Are mainly broke and drug addicted and mainly shunned from their families. They are looking for another person or another group of people who will the accepting of their life, sadly this is mainly only true because they are going through the same personal drama. This goes hand-in-hand with how content they are in their living situation. Many of them, sadly, just what someone else to be accepting of them.