At first, I was quite confused as to why this movie is on the syllabus when we’re talking about the mating and dating market and the evolution of it in history. This movie is about how a teenage girl gets exposed to an evil spirit and then possessed. She begins to do things like levitating and speaking in unknown languages. Her mother gets very worried and tries to find assistance by seeking two priests. She gets tested by medical professions and the data shows that there is nothing wrong with her, when there clearly is. Her evilness gets more clear as it trends to get worse and the suggestion of an exorcism to remove the evil spirits inside of her comes into play. They try the exorcism and one priest who tried to provide assistance dies and the other believes he is unable to help. Then, the priest that backed out comes back to take his life for the teenager, freeing her from the evil spirits. But what does this have to do with the sexual market in America? The daughter in this movie doesn’t have a father figure (her parents are divorced) and maybe that’s the message being sent with the whole idea of the exorcism? Maybe she was possessed for her lack of a father figure in her life? Or, the reason for her being possessed is her figurative response to her parents divorce? Or it may have to do with the difficulty of a single-parent? How does this movie relate to the sexual market?
Brian, I am going to have to agree with you on this one I see little if no connection to the class discussions at all when it comes to this movie. Maybe it could be argued that media such as this film have influenced public perceptions of its brash usage of sexuality in such a blunt and dark manner, but even that would be a stretch. That theory does not relate very heavily to other readings and is this was the intended usage another film like Boogey nights or something else with high levels of sexual undertones would have related more to the text at hand I guess this movie might be a bit of a mystery when it comes to our class but at least it is a good watch.