The US has always been known as a melting pot since the day it was founded. We have welcomed in immigrants with open arms to allow diversity and inclusion for all. Yet when Trump came into the political picture, he started a platform of exclusion. He wants to build a physical wall between Mexico and the US. I think this is interesting because the current issue in Mexico was driven by the US. We went into a politically unstable country and took out a leader so we could put a leader that we wanted in power. When this leader fell that we wanted gangs and the cartel took over parts of the country and divided power. These current political powers have made it unsafe for many citizens of Mexico to survive in their own country. Now years after we inter-feared people are still trying to escape their country to a place that is safer for them, but Trump wants to build a wall to keep them out. He has completely gone back on the majority of Americans beliefs of a melting pot in the grand view of the world. Yes, he was voted into the presidency of the US, but his beliefs are turning the US into a new country that is very different from our former beliefs.
Hi Sophie, there are parts of your response that I agree with with, and others that I do not. Well Trump is trying to exclude others from our country, he is doing it for a reason. Many people have been trying to get into the United States and reap the benefits of our prosperous culture. This includes welfare and food stamps which is entailed to anyone who signs up and qualifies but is also paid for by the taxpayers. Trump wants to run our country like a business, like the businessman he is, and that means cutting off paying for extra things that are not necessary, and that are not helping the “company” grow.