Cheap Sex- Overlooked?

What sexual identity, which has never shined brighter in the political spotlight, has taken over and allowed sex to be even more free. With periods in our country dominated by sex, drugs, and rock and roll, our nation is currently in a time where being open about who you love and who you can love is at the Forefront of discussion. With gay marriage being accepted, the whole gay pride movement has been in full force to allow everyone the freedom of loving who they want. This is an area that I believe is overlooked by Regnerus, ever since gay marriage has been legalized, the sex for gays has also dramatically decrease in price. Firstly, there has been many worries about diseases, but some birth control contraceptives are also in place to prevent sexually transmitted infections, which can eliminate or greatly reduce the probability of getting one of those diseases. Also, with gay marriage and “coming out” being widely accepted, gays no longer have to hide who they are. Apps like Tinder have been revamped and reskinned to give a dating app platform to gays, “Grinder.” This shows that our society is accepting of gays and wants them to get in on the cheap sex action.

3 thoughts on “Cheap Sex- Overlooked?

  1. Dating apps and personal adds were actually created by the homosexual community to create safe places for them to express their sexuality without being victimized or in the case of the late 1800s and early 1900s executed. Sex is already very cheap for homosexual community if you look at it from the risks that could be assumed. Heterosexual intersections have to worry about STDs, STIs, and pregnancy’s. Where as Homosexuals only have to worry about STIs and STDs, which most can be cured in the matter of 2 days with medicine. There are very little risks in todays age for the homosexual community and this means that they experience the cheapest form of sex. Also Apps like Gender were released in 2008/2009, where tinder which is geared towards the heterosexual community was released in 2012.

    1. I will agree with you on the fact that since gay marriage has been legalized, and many movements and parades have gathered the attention of the public into understanding that homosexuality is acceptable. It would that forthcoming a more open and free flowing community where homosexuals no longer have to hide from the general public but rather can be open and immersed in it. It says helped the cheapness of homosexual sex.

  2. While reading Regnerus’s book, I also found it interesting how he seemed to overlook some fairly large and newsworthy events like the acceptance of gay marriage in his work. This constantly growing and relatively newly open phenomenon is undoubtedly a large presence in the world to day and creates an entirely new sexual market that Regnerus does not discuss. Granted, I recognize that it would be impossible for Regnerus to touch upon everything in his book, I do think that this is a particular issue that he should have dedicated some time to. You brought up the topic of dating applications and how select sites have taken models from the heterosexual community and applied them specifically for their targeted communities. This applications, like Grinder’s replication of Tinder, show the prominence of this new marketplace and further prove the need for this market to be analyzed at the very least. Since there is no gender distinction, who holds more power in the interaction? No longer are women considered to be “gate keepers” with all the power, since everyone is on an equal playing field. Personally, I just think that this is a topic worthy of a discussion at the very least.

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