On Final Portfolios

Let’s make the due date Wednesday, December 18.  This will give me enough time to get all of them graded in two classes in time for grades to go in on the following Monday.  You can email it to me as a pdf or Word document.  PLEASE be sure it is in one or another of these formats and that it is attached to your email. 

You should include a heading at the beginning of the document that includes the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. The total word count

You should also be sure that each separate text in the portfolio has an individual title—and something more interesting and useful than just e.g., “Short Essay #5 revised.”

Here are the three substantive levels on which I will be grading the portfolios:

  1. Elegance and clarity of writing (which is typically an indirect indicator of effort, since almost no one writes with great elegance and clarity without serious revision).
  2. Familiarity and engagement with course materials/texts (these should not be quoted directly, at least not extensively—instead, paraphrase and use parenthetical citations to let me know what you’re citing)
  3. Evidence that you have consulted responses from other students or from me in your revisions (or, if you use texts that did not get substantial attention from other readers, evidence of significant revision when compared to the original text)

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