Our current sexual institution in the US is one that can be defined as quick sex institution. It has been made into something where relationships are rare, but sex with a stranger is normal. We have made a society where people are looking for quick sexual gratification and nothing more. Regnerus argue that in a natural setting woman are looking for long-term, meaningful, and emotional relationships, and men just want sex. I tend to disagree with his argument. After the sexual liberation of women this generalization does not engulf all women and all men. There are many women who have decided that this ideal of a relationship it too much and they do not want it. I find that it doesn’t matter what sex you are, it matters what you want out of the relationship. This new culture is not hurting one sex but both.
Sexual gratification only comes after you have gotten something that you want out of the experience. According to Regnerus men want sexual gratification in the form of quick cheap sex, and women want sexual gratification in the form of long-term sexual encounters or in Regnerus words, “love, validation of worth, and fostering or reinforcing relationship commitments” (22). This is not true for all women. For instance, in the beginning of the book Alyssa pointed out that she had over 20 sexual partners and her relationships with them did not last more than a few moments or weeks and she was perfectly happy with her decision. Yet, over time she changed her point of view on the topic and decided that she did indeed want something more that would give her a family. This trend is prevalent in most people in our generation, no matter what sex they are, showing that fulfilment comes to both sides in a cheap sex culture. There is a need for cheap sex at a young age, because it is available, yet as time goes by there is a demand for something meaningful.
Our sexual culture is purely a hookup culture at this point. Not long-ago sex was a gift that was given by women after men had shown intentions of staying with them. Yet, now it is something that is given after knowing a stranger for five minutes, and no names are pressed to be given. This is due to the fact that women no longer hold onto this power. Before it was up to the women to decide when sex was going to start in the relationship, but after the sexual liberation women have decided that they wanted to behave the way men have been for years. They wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with a stranger. Women want to be treated as equals in the sexual market, but women want the dating market to be unequal, they want men to be more giving in relationships. Alyssa talks about the sexual attractiveness when a man courts her and it is not the same as when everything is split equal, “ it feels much better, romantically, and its more arousing to be taken out and treated well” (50). The market has a double standard for both genders, women want to be equal in sexual habits, but before that can happen, they want to be courted and chased after.
Pornography plays a huge role in our mating and dating market. It has become available to the masses in a way that is easier and cheaper in every way. Regnerus says that more men watch porn then women, and he supports this with data. Yet, this data could be wrong. A lot of women watch porn, but they are highly unlikely admit to it. This is because there is a social stigmatism around the act of watching pornography. It is seen as unladylike and crude for a woman to watch porn, so they won’t admit to it more often than a man would, because for men it is seen as a normal everyday habit. Even if a woman does not know the person asking them if they use pornography, they will still hesitate or decline, because they will be marked in that person’s mind as a masculine woman, and no women wants to be seen poorly. If pornography was destigmatized, we would see higher rates of women watching porn immediately because it will be okay for them to admit to it.
In the end the mating and dating culture in the US is centered around fast and easy sex. It is unfair to say that it is hurting one sex because in reality it is hurting both sexes. It causes people to be able to stay in their own world and not have to interact with people and treat them like human beings. If this wasn’t our current culture, then we would see higher rates of satisfaction on both sides not just women. All genders benefit from emotional connections with others and it helps people grow and develop. This is not just a problem for women, because they are not the only ones this cheap sex culture is affecting. It may give men a chance to have more sexual partners and experience more things but to have a fulfilling life you need to experience an emotional connection every once in a while.
Sophie, your essay is very well written and very organized and thought out. I completely agree with each argument you have written about within your essay. Regenerus is not a women, therefore he may be able to collect all the data in the world but it will never determine if the real results because he does not understand how women feel towards pornography within society. Your over statement, “this culture is not only hurting one sex, but both,” is a very strong sentence to withhold, one that I agree with. This generations culture has come to a point where individuals will not grow within relationships or the focus will obtain towards technology and pornography. Your conclusion is very well thought out and sums up your argument and whole essay. Great Job!!!
I feel as though your essay was well written and included many strong points. The introductory paragraph did a good job in laying out the paper as general topics were presented and bold claims were made. Moving forward, the first body paragraph included a specific example, which was the interviewing of Alyssa, which was done by Regnerus. The inclusion of this gave the perspective of a female and her viewpoints on the subject. The following body paragraph goes on to describe how the society that we live in is considered to be a ‘hookup culture’. While this may or may not be true, there was still strong evidence to back it up. Lastly, the mentioning of pornography came into play and how it is an easy way for men to please themselves. Keeping a more set and organized structure would trim down this essay; although there are great points made, polishing it and including only the necessary points would help.
Your essay was written very well and the well-built structure was easy to follow. You opened up the essay with some general information and then you jumped right to your stance that the new dating and mating culture is not only hurting one, but both sexes. You validate your argument with proof of Alyssa in the second paragraph. But, you start your third paragraph with a statement that talks about how our sexual culture is a hookup culture, when you finish it with by stating that the market has a double standard for both genders. Maybe you could go about defining a hookup culture in the idea of it as a sexual culture? And you could possibly rearrange that body paragraph to trim it down to attack your argument more directly about the double standard. I like your paragraph on pornography as it is well written and organized. You sum up this short essay with strength, providing a good conclusion for your argument, great job!