ERA Cheap Sex Chp 3

In this chapter, Regnerus discussed the relationship between dating apps and the frequency and devaluation of sex. The first point that is made is how dating apps create a free market economy for sex, and for sex in heterosexual relationships typically men demand more casual sex for women. When these apps exist this creates a supply of “cheap sex” that is available to meet the male demand, therefore, men are less likely to look more long term relationships or pursue more traditional courting methods in favor of a cheaper alternative. While it was originally assumed that the female supply of sex would never meet the demand or would reject the option altogether, contrary to that belief women began supplying the opportunity for sexual encounters and this has lead to more and more women using these apps in order to have any sexual opportunities at all. Regnerus’s overall point is that dating apps have become a sex delivery system which has reduced the number of individuals who pursue more traditional relationships.

The next series of questions discussed are the dynamics between sexual frequency among different demographics. Regnerus discusses how the frequency of sex effects joy and risks as well as how men and women report different demands for more sexual encounters. In addition, the dynamics between married and single relationships are compared as well as both straight and lesbian relationships to heterosexual relationships. The most obvious points are that different groups have different needs and deal with separate struggles. And finally, the types of individuals who are having the most sex are actually having almost all the sex. The example is that 20% of the population is having 80% of the sex and furthermore this group actually suffers from more issues such as higher divorce rates, infidelity, more STDs and a high chance of unwanted pregnancy as well as less overall happiness.

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