The main question that was discussed in class was “what are some of the things we should consider for immigrants to have access to welfare?” At the start of this discussion we focused on the difference between a liberatarian state and a welfare state. A liberatarion state is where no welfare benefits are given and described as a free market of capitalism. However, in a welfare state taxation is implemented to the citizens to help those in need receive welfare. Therefore, America is a welfare state. Citizens pay taxes to the government, which then the government uses to pay off of what is needed in America. When considering immigrants access to welfare, the factors vary. Freidman states, “you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.” His statement is true. If immigrants were to freely enter and be given money to survive then the population of immigrants would overload and be a higher demand than natives. Immigrants of no skill, no talent, and no demand will enter and live for free, because there would be no skill necessary to live. The government would pay for all of your finances, which is better money than they would be receiving in their homelands. Therefore, immigration should not be free. Just like every other citizen, they should be paying taxes as well. In today’s world immigration is a strong political topic because some citizens benefit from immigrants such those who are owners of companies, properties, and businesses. But others suffer from the immigration because the work they once had is taken by those who are willing to be paid less.
In most cases, immigrants come and take the low income jobs that most people won’t do and it hurts the current workers of these jobs. I think a productive thing would be to provide more opportunities and it is easier said than done, but then these lower class workers can find other jobs or in fact there will be enough jobs for everyone. I hope at some point this can be obtained.
I agree, immigration should not necessarily be free and immigrants should be paying taxes just like every other United States Citizen. Immigration has different effects on different people. Immigrants compete with some people for jobs but offer cheap labor to others. I find it is necessary to recognize that many people base their opinions on immigration on whether or not it benefits them and their families as individuals.
This is a really good topic because it is extremely controversial and debatable. It does seem clear that the negatives out way the positives of immigration when they aren’t paying. They should have to pay because if not, they’re not helping they are just seeking a better life for themselves and they wouldn’t be helping the nation, only populating it. But it definitely shouldn’t be forgotten that they take low-income jobs and are willing to do more than native low-income people, and they boost the economy of some companies.
I agree with you on this topic. I think that it would be unfair to American natives who have spent time and money contributing to a welfare system by giving most of its benefits to new immigrants who came here for the idea of this safety net. Although it is very unfortunate the hardships a lot of immigrants deal with before coming to America, there are many citizens of America who deal with situations just as bad. I think that in this situation American natives should be prioritized over immigrants when it comes to welfare.
I strongly agree with your statement that immigrants should pay taxes. I think we should be more lenient with letting immigrants in because when they come alternatively they do not fully benefit society in an economic way. I think the issue of immigration and how it could benefit the US is completely up to the US. There will always be immigrants coming into the country, and we should take this as a compliment. We are a safe haven for so many people in political unrest, and they are willing to risk there lives to step foot on our soil. I think that if they want to live in the US and receive any type of benefit from it then immigrant should have to pay and contribute like the rest of the people residing in the US.
This is a very good description of our discussion in class the other day, and reading it helped me reflect on all that had been said. I agree that everyone who lives in this country should have to pay taxes in order to fully be incorporated in a society, whether that person be a native or an immigrant.
My thoughts are that immigrants can be given welfare, after living in the country for a certain amount of time. This would make it so that the immigrants have already contributed to the American economy enough for them to earn the benefits of welfare. If not, anyone who steps foot in out country can get the benefits of the lower class coming right out of the pockets of the middle and upper classes.