we wanted workers ch9 era

Borja’s emphasizes the two views of immigration: “immigrants as workers or immigrants as people.” Immigrants are people, and not just robotic workers that help our economy. They have a world bigger than just the workforce, they have a family to feed, hospital visits to pay, clothes to buy, and rent to pay. Immigrants clearly have needs and the welfare state helps with these needs.The safety net that America produces for immigrants allows for a more secure and comfortable life than they would have in their national country. Because of this safety net, it raises some questions of whether the immigrants are benefiting the economy around them. Borja’s own view states, “the decision of whether or not to admit an immigrant should depend on the long-term implications of that decision, including the immigrants’ choice of how many children to have and whether the government will have to fund the services provided to those dependents” (179). He states this because the children who become US-born from immigrants would not exist and welfare expenditures would not be admitted, which leads to US taxes being used in other ways. Welfare recipients are people who would do poorly in the workforce which tend to be immigrants. They use welfare more often than natives, not because they are immigrants just simply because they are less skilled. When looking in the future, immigrants may have a result on the welfare system however, they benefit America because the more immigration the more taxpayers. As a result to imigration, the native wealth has increased due to the fact the immigrants participate in the productive life of our country. 

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