We Wanted Workers Ch4 Discussion

“It is equally far-fetched to claim that the typical Mexican or Indian in the United States is representative of the Mexican or Indian populations. The type of person who chooses to move out of a particular country probably differs dramatically across countries” (68). This quote stood out to me within this chapter, because recently in all my classes this has been a major topic: stigmas. In America, it is known that people can be discriminatory towards others, based on their looks, their jobs, and where they are from.We believe that if you are a particular race then you must correlate with the ideas that have been passed down for generations. This quote emphasizes the need of stigmas to be demolished. Immigrants are not all the same just because they are from other countries. The main question is: what leads some to immigrate and others to stay? This whole chapter is a conclusion as to who comes to America and who does not and it can be assumed that so many different people come based on all the different scenarios. We attract the best of the best: the smartest, the talented, ones who are financially well off. We also attract those who are from poor areas, low education, and not much to offer. However, that is what America is for, it a country to have a chance.

1 thought on “We Wanted Workers Ch4 Discussion

  1. Why do you think the quote is about ‘stigmas’? I read it as simply a statement about the complexity of characterizing immigrants–i.e., the immigrant from X country may not look much like the typical profile of a citizen of that same country, and immigrants coming from country A might be of a different profile than those coming from country B.

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