Short Essay #3

Learning about American culture and society we have looked at both formalized sources of information about society, and work that reflects said society. The books Who Are We by Samuel Huntington and All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy help to provide us with both formal and informal views into the values and practices of American people. In McCarthy’s book the main character John Grady helps to exemplify the values and worldviews that Huntington describes. John Grady heavily exemplifies individualism and some of the core American values about workmanship throughout the novel. Not only does Grady himself show certain aspects of the American identity that Huntington talks about, but his relationships with his companions does as well. The worldview and values shown by Grady, help us to understand aspects of the American identity that Huntignton speaks about throughout his book. 

In the beginning of the novel by McCarthy Grady decides to leave the ranch that his mother is trying to sell and head down to Mexico and start a new life for himself. Joining him is his friend Rawlins and another accomplice he meets along the way; Blevins. The aspects of American identity and the worldview held by Grady are heavily present throughout the beginning of the novel as Grady and his companions are not only inexperienced in frontier life but also very young as well. Huntington talks about American values and worldview as being ready for anything and being able to go at things alone. Grady does not rely on anyone and even though him and his companions work as a team, there is no sense of dependence on one-another. The rugged frontier and Grady’s ability to navigate this new terrain with little experience is a reflection on many of the American ideals that Huntington sets forth in his book. Huntington speaks on the ideas of individualism and Grady’s decision to leave his home and go to a completely new area is a great example of it. Not only does Grady leave his ranch back home he also works hard in Mexico to prove himself as a good employee on the new ranch he ends up briefly staying at. The ideas of strong workmanship and facing new tough conditions with confidence are strongly present in the worldview presented by Huntington and show us the accuracy in Grady’s representation of American Ideals.

The relationship that Grady has with Blevins and Rawlins also helps to exemplify elements of the American and Anglo-Protestant identity that Huntignton speaks about. Specifically when speaking about Blevins, Grady makes decisions that are not necessarily beneficial to him in order to help Blevins out. When Blevins loses his horse Grady decides to help him steal it back and convinces Rawlins not to abandon him. This sense of togetherness and group strength is an aspect of American identity and is amplified in the face of conflict. When Huntington talks about Americans grouping together in the face of conflict we see a direct parallel to Grady. Not only when helping Blevins is this group strength shown, but towards the end of the novel when Rawlins is ready to give up it is Grady who convinces and motivates him to continue to move forward. Grady’s ability to be strong in the face of conflict and unify the group he is with further shows how he is strongly aligned with the values that Huntingon explains are characterized by an Anglo-Protestant worldview. 

Grady’s alignment to the Anglo-Protestant worldview and culture that Huntington presents helps to show us concrete examples of what that culture entails. The actions and decisions Grady makes show us how his views and ideas are influenced by the Anglo-Protestatn culture and helps us further understand the specific things Huntington spoke about in his book.

2 thoughts on “Short Essay #3

  1. After reading through your essay in class, I wanted to reiterate some of the ideas that I presented. Overall, I found your essay to be extremely well organized and your argument is backed by sufficient evidence from the novel. In order to make your essay stronger I think it would be beneficial to incorporate the term ‘Anglo-Protestant’ into your introduction considering that this is a fundamental piece of the prompt statement. It would be helpful if you would then go on to explain what exactly this term means as Huntington describes it. Also, considering that the term itself is inherently religious, I think it would be helpful to address religion in your essay. Even though John Grady Cole is not set in his religious beliefs, he does consider religion and it does affect him in various ways. This would address a potential counter argument to your claim. By doing this you would be strengthening your own argument if you phrase it in a way that turns it towards what you are trying to prove. All in all, this essay was very well written and I enjoyed reading it.

  2. I really enjoyed your essay and agreed with the points you were making about John Grady Cole personifying American Identity as Huntington talks about it. I think the best part of your essay is how well supported your argument is. Almost every argument you make is backed up by facts from the novel, and it is very well organized as well. I think one way you can improve this essay is by pulling in more French and Sonia’s viewpoints, but overall your essay is great.

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