All The Pretty Horses ERA (179-217)

A lot of interesting events occur in this section of the book as Rawlins and Grady are moved to another prison. They are violently attacked from the day they arrive, understanding that it is not a safe place to be. The fight for survival during their time in the new prison. After the other prisoners realize they don’t have money to bribe with, Rawlins and Grady lose connection with one another as Rawlins gets knifed. Grady, surviving by himself, uses the last of his money to buy a knife to protect himself because he knows an attack is coming because he Grady will not bribe. The attack does come and Grady comes out injured but victorious. He collapses from the injury and is taken to the infirmary. After he heals, Alejandras great aunt had paid for his and Rawlins release from the prison. They both agree that Rawlins will head back to Texas and Grady will stay in Mexico to fight for their horses again.

McCarthy portrays Mexico and it’s culture through the actions of Perez– the prisoner who is expecting a bribe or will attack Grady. Perez, as a representative for the Mexican culture, he shows how the morally-guided people are set to fail and that violence leads to survival while morals and peace leads to death. Perez thinks that Americans only view things as they want, not how they are. Even though both Rawlins and Grady get injured, and Blevins dies and the prison is very dangerous, they still prove that living life with good morals doesn’t lead to death, as they were able to be released.

What can we learn from the relationship between Perez and Americans? Why is the new prison so dangerous and violent especially against Americans? What can we take from this?

2 thoughts on “All The Pretty Horses ERA (179-217)

  1. I am fascinated by John Grady’s intelligence and smart instincts. He chose not to bribe the guards and instead buy a knife to arm himself for any attack. It comes in handy. John Grady, having grown up on a ranch, he has been isolated for most of his early life and has not been to an educational institution.
    I think the new prison is violent in particular towards the Americans because there’s has been feud between the two countries for a while especially after the Mexican-American War. They see the Americans as aliens to their land. In a given prison, there is a hierarchy, and no one wants someone to come in and have more power than the other. It is interesting to read how McCarthy describes the culture inside a prison. I enjoyed reading your analysis especially about Perez and I think you make some key points.

  2. I am fascinated by John Grady’s intelligence and smart instincts. John Grady, having grown up on a ranch, he has been isolated for most of his early life and has not been to an educational institution. He chose not to bribe the guards, and instead buy a knife to arm himself for any attack and it comes in handy.
    I think the new prison is violent in particular towards the Americans because there has been a feud between the two countries for a while especially after the Mexican-American War. They see the Americans as aliens to their land. In a given prison, there is a hierarchy, and no one wants someone to come in and have more power than the other. It is interesting to read how McCarthy describes the culture inside a prison. I enjoyed reading your analysis especially about Perez and I think you make some key points.

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