John Grady Cole seems to portray an identity that is filled with passion and pragmatism. He is a man of few words, and he goes about life in a very unique manner. This paints an interesting picture, and many modern examples of people who are considered “passionate” are rather outspoken and their voice is heard. From an early stage in the book, John Grady Cole demonstrates this idea of passion and pragmatism. For example, on page 10, John replies to Rawlins’ comment “She aint worth it. None of em are” by saying “Yes they are” (10). after a long pause. Instead of rattling off many reasons why she was worth it, he gives only a few words of explanation and lets the reader figure out the rest. Another example of this narrative is seen on page 180. The prison guard is trying to get a bribe from John Grady Cole, and his response is simply “We don’t have money…we aint fixin to make any arrangements” (180). Essentially, Grady does not feel the need to get into many details and give a long explanation, he simply asserts his view, and stands his ground instead of even trying to bargain with the guard. John Grady Cole’s pragmatic, soft spoken, and passionate nature is fascinating to me.
I agree that Grady’s approach to asserting his viewpoints in life are definitely abnormal, most people, in general, say more then they have too in any given situation rather than a more reserved style. However, this may lead to Grady becoming more poorly viewed as he is gets into this situation of being a prisoner. Typically, the abundance of speech that other characters exhibit is what makes them more relatable and appear more human. When a reserved style of speech is used it can be powerful but it will be also depending on what he doesn’t say probably more then what he does.
I think Grady is very conserved and takes everything with caution. He is a good western country boy that was raised well by his parents. In his case, I don’t think he needs to say a lot considering his family losses. I would keep to myself if I was him. John Grady is just trying to live for tomorrow.
I agree with your analysis of John Grady. I like your use of evidence to support your points. I wonder how the character of John Grady would fit into today’s society. Matter of fact, I think some people today could use some John Grady because he’s manner is one that keeps himself in check.