In the book Who Are We?, Samuel P. Huntington explores the identity of America. More specifically, he examines the history of American identity and how it came about from the British settlers, the immigrants who adopted this Anglo-Protestant culture, and finally how it has more recently changed. An important aspect is the American Creed, which Gunnar Myrdal popularized and described as “the essential dignity of the individual human being, of the fundamental equality of all men, and of certain inalienable rights to freedom, justice, and a fair opportunity.” (67) Furthermore, the Anglo-Protestant culture has been a core set of cultural values for much of America’s history, however, it more recently has diluted. Therefore, this leads to a controversial issue on whether or not this is better or worse for society. While there are both pros and cons to the given statement, it is more negative that Anglo-Protestant values have diluted more recently due to the fact that it hurts the identity and unity of the nation.
Huntington explains how most countries generally “have a core or mainstream culture shared to varying degrees by most people in their society” (59) Of course, as Huntington continues, there are subcultures within each nation that are based off of various factors, including religion, race, class, and many others. Despite these subcultures in America, “It also has had a mainstream Anglo-Protestant culture in which most of its people, whatever their subcultures, have shared. For almost four centuries this culture of the founding settlers has been the central and the lasting component of American identity.” (59) While some of its aspects may derive from England, both political and social, America has ultimately created its own unique identity. For hundreds of years, immigrants have been able to assimilate and adapt to American culture, which has often allowed them to gain success and prosper. Naturally, it is challenging to come to a new country and instantly fit in, throw away your old values, and feel comfortable. Therefore, it’s understandable how immigrants and minorities might struggle or be hesitant to fully assimilate themselves into a new lifestyle.
America is known to be a very patriotic country, especially during and after times of war. This can be seen with the various symbols and traditions throughout the nation. However, since the 1960s this nationalism has certainly faded. While there is not one specific reason for this, Huntington explains how some factors may include more multiculturalism and diversity among elites, special interest identities that have elevated over national identity like race and gender, and a combination of less promotion of immigrant assimilation as well as immigrants having multiple identities. Following the tragic events of September 11, patriotism did rise once again, however, it ultimately has faded during recent history. If the Anglo-Protestant values did eventually die out, it is unclear what would happen next as America has never faced this problem before. It can certainly be argued that positives would occur, some of which may include that more ethnic and racial equality would be evident in society especially compared to history. However, it can be costly because it erodes the national identity, which would make the nation less unified and patriotic. This would harm the nation as it is an essential aspect of America. Overall, it is hard to definitively argue which would be better or worse for the nation looking into the future, but I would have to agree with Huntington that this is not good as he argues, “Millions of immigrants and their children achieved wealth, power, and status in American society precisely because they assimilated themselves into the prevailing American culture.” (62)
I agree with a lot of the sentiments in your paper. You do a good job of presenting Huntington’s evidence and position, as well as how they factor into you forming your own opinion on the topic.
I think it would be interesting to expand upon how the American’s formed their own identity that was separate from the British. I recognize that that is what happened of course, but I predict that a lot of people understand this concept but few truly grasp the mechanisms behind how the colonizers “created [their] own unique identity.”
Another reason Huntington postulates for why American national identity is fading is the increasing ability of technology to leave especially immigrants more connected than ever before to their own culture as they live in a different one. This technological link makes it much more difficult for a new national identity to take home because to some extent they have not really left their homes.
I completely agree with your conclusion that this would be a bad thing. One addition you can consider is in regards to your last quote. You say that millions have achieved success because of becoming part of American culture, why has that made them successful? Even if it is very brief, touching upon the mechanisms that come from American culture and make people successful seems like a natural extension of this concluding part of your paper.
I agree with the idea that many of the groups of people in the United States continue to hold onto their own identities and I also understand how the lack of assimilation to an American identity can harm society. However, I believe that assimilation is not necessary, it can create a stronger identity within the people but I think that holding onto identity from a previous background is not necessarily harmful.
Overall, I enjoyed reading your short essay. I felt as though your work was organized and your thesis was supported quite well. Despite this, it would have been nice to hear more about the identity of immigrants and their adjustment process to American culture. For example, you could discuss more about a specific immigrant population and what their identity entails. Does American culture include the many identities of immigrants?
I definitely agree that this whole topic is extremely controversial and there are valuable and strong points on each side of the argument. As you stated in your introduction paragraph, I feel as though it can surely be argued that the Anglo-Protestant culture dilutes America today. You kind of drive away from the argument in your second paragraph and then return to it in your final one. I really like the idea and the fabric of this essay. But, as a classmate and peer reviewer, I would criticize it by saying that maybe you should stay connected and dive deeper into how the original core values from the Anglo-Protestant culture has diluted. Also, great job providing Huntington’s perspective.
I think the trouble of some immigrants to fully assimilate into America’s society and culture is what makes America so diverse. To add on, I think it is okay for immigrants not to fully adapt. They keep home to their values which allows America to be more diverse. So, I like your understanding of immigrants and their adaption to American culture. I feel like you stray away from your thesis at points. I want to know more about what you think about what is happening to America’s identity. Is it branching out into more sub-identities or changing into a totally different one?
I think you demonstrate a strong understanding of national identity and the importance of it. I like your examples of loss of nationalism and that multi-cultures are a part of the reason why. I wonder what you think could be done to regain our nationalism in hopes of having one national identity that the settlers founded this country with.
Overall, I agree with the primary argument of your paper and feel that it flowed nicely. I appreciated that you acknowledge that there are both pros and cons to the dilution of Anglo-Protestant culture in America when putting forth your argument. Also, I thought your reference to the surge in nationalism after 9/11 was effective. However, in order to make your paper stronger, I think that it is necessary to actually define the values of the Anglo-Protestant culture in America. You talk a lot about the importance of it and the fact that it is the foundation upon which America was built, but as a reader, if I did not already know, it would be unclear to me how this culture is defined. I think if you implemented this at the start of your paper your argument would be much more clear.
Commentary Statement: Generally speaking, this essay was well written and provided the reader with strong evidence and topics. The opening paragraph did a good job in giving the reader a sense of what this paper entailed. The inclusion of the definition of the American Creed was well put as well as the placement and clearness of the thesis statement. As touched on in our discussion, the second paragraph had several quotes directed from Huntington. It would have been nice to not have directly copy and pasted this text because writing his words in your own words is better for clarification reasons. Moving on to the final paragraph, I noticed that your topic sentence dealt with the discussion of patriotism and war. Despite this, you failed to include further mentioning of war later on in your paragraph besides the stating of the September 11th attacks. Relating your topic sentence to your evidence is critical to help the reader further understand your message.
I think this is a great essay altogether and find that you make great points. The first paragraph gives a great introduction and background for the reader. The only suggestion I have is structural. I found that it would have been helpful to give an overview of opening in each paragraph in the first sentence that provides detail as to what it to follow more precisely. For example, in the last paragraph highlight how patriotism decline as well as increases. Overall, I find that this is a very well written essay!
As we talked about in class today, I think you just need to make your argument a little clearer throughout the whole essay. You are making a lot of interesting points, but up until the very end, it is hard to see which side you are arguing for. This is in part due to the fact that you make counterclaims, which is a good thing to have in your essay, I just feel it might need to be more strategically placed. Also, you could use a little more supporting information that is not simply a quote. Overall, I thought your essay was very good.
To summarize my comments to you in class on Friday, I think that your essay is interesting and effectively conveys both a summary of the work and your position. One piece of advice I had for you dealt with the second paragraph. The first sentence refers to America being extremely patriotic in times of war. You go on to discuss this feeling of patriotism and its ramifications, but do not really circle back to war for the rest of the paragraph. You should either include an analysis of how wartime impacts patriotism in your paragraph or nix that part of the topic sentence.
As spoken about in class I believe that your essay did a very good job at conveying the main points you were trying to make. I think the structure of the essay could have framed your ideas earlier on, making the essay more direct and clear but overall the essay did a good job at explaining the ideas we have been reading about in class.
I agreed with the points you brought up in the essay. I feel like you could’ve elaborated a little more on the idea of diversity. I think that is one main point you weren’t as specific about and I feel like it could’ve added to your essay. Other than that I really liked the essay and the points you brought up about patriotism. I didn’t think to put those in my own essay but I feel like its important
Great job on developing a well-structured argument that is a compelling read, in addition, to properly addressing the prompt in a way that allows the reader to view Huntington’s ideas and also appreciate your viewpoint. I particularly believe that you have some extremely strong quoted text and that especially in the case of the last string of Huntington’s writing you should capitalize on this and place some more elaboration onto these. This would surely help bring this short essay into a portfolio level piece.