American Identity

Huntington speaks about American identity and nationalism in the latests chapter we had to read for Who Are We? and he makes some very interesting points about the relationship between identity and conflict. As we have already read, there is a clear connection between conflict and identity. When groups are in conflict with one-another or they become closer in order to become stronger and perform better during said conflict. As Huntington explains American nationalism and identity increased almost every time there was a major conflict. During the early wars at the start of the nation the first distinctions from being considered “Britons” to being “Americans” are made. The shared experience of fighting for what they believed in brought early Americans closer together and helped create the idea of an American identity. This identity was fostered throughout the creation of America and continues to be experienced today. Prominent symbols like the American flag and Uncle Sam have reinforced American identity and created a sense of unison throughout the entirety of the nation. In contemporary society it feel, however, that American identity is fading. Throughout history America has almost always absorbed new groups and added them to the overall American identity. What about contemporary society is causing the loss of American Identity? Are symbols of American identity still representative of specific things or have they lost meaning? Lastly, how important is American identity to maintaining the United States as a strong country?

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