Shane ERA

Shane is a movie based in Wyoming in 1889 about a mysterious skilled man who we are introduced to very early in the plot. This man, Shane, rides in on his horse onto the Starrett family’s property without an exclamation. These people are homesteaders who migrated to Wyoming because there is more work for the husband, Joe, to do. Shortly after Shane arrives, a group of men ride in on horses of their own with business in mind. The leader of this group is named Ryker, and he has been tormenting homesteaders and trying to exile them since they got there to try and expand his own territory. Throughout the film as the pressure on the homesteaders by Ryker grows, so does the friendship between the Starett family and Shane. 

Regardless of Shane’s mysterious past as an experienced gunman, eventually Joe Starrett offers him a job to help out around the property and they all become very close. He is not only very valuable to the Starrett’s as a helping hand but also as a companion to the family to make their new life in Wyoming more enjoyable. Joe Starrett’s son’s relationship with Shane is one that will eventually determine life and death later in the film.

Later in the movie Shane rides into town for new materials that were needed on the property where he is approached by Ryker’s men. This encounter eventually turns violent. No guns were drawn, which is surprising because of Shane’s antsy trigger hand which is evident at the beginning of the movie. Ryker feels threatened by Shane, and hires an experienced gunman to try and take care of his new found problem. 

Ryker tries to convince the Starrett’s to come into a saloon where  the shooting is supposed to take place. One of Ryker’s former men tells the family of his plan, which causes a whole new problem in itself. Both Shane and Joe want to be the hero in this situation but eventually it is decided that Shane will go. Unknowingly, he is followed by Starrett’s son Joey. Shane is ambushed at the saloon and is almost killed by one of the men, but Joey warns him and Shane eventually kills him. After this scene, to Joey’s dismay, Shane rides away and the movie ends. 

The film Shane takes place during a time of greed in America. Ryker is a prime example of a person who was always thirsty for more and will do anything to get what he needs. This time was also one of expansion in America. Society took major strides due to some of this thirst for more and also people searching for better lives.  Due to the homestead act homesteaders were searching for work and new lives. 

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