“The Present and Probable Future…” ERA

In this chapter, Tocqueville describes the condition, relationships, and lifestyles of the three different races (European, African, and Indian) in America. The white people were cruel, unfair, and lived as superiors to the other two races. Tocqueville goes on to explain how the African population had it rough as they were taken from their home country and families. In fact, Tocqueville explained how they became slaves right away when he stated, “The Negro enters upon slavery as soon as he is born, nay, he may have been purchased in the womb, and have begun his slavery before he began his existence.” 

Before the Europeans came to America, the Indians lived quietly in the woods and practiced their traditions. However, this soon changed once the Europeans came to America. There used to be Indian tribes covering the country, but this changed as many had disappeared due to moving and being destroyed. The Indians had little options as they could either migrate, civilize themselves, or start a war. Migrating was difficult and often resulted in suffering, civilizing themselves was a possibility but it was not how they were used to living, and war maybe could have been possible for the Indians if they united and fought during the arrival of the Europeans. Tocqueville describes how unfair it was for the Indians when he stated, “they have no longer a country, and soon they will not be a people; their very families are obliterated; their common name is forgotten; their language perishes; and all traces of their origin disappear.” 

It is clear that both the Indians and Africans were mistreated and had rough lives. I found it interesting how Tocqueville was pessimistic in his writing, as he does a good job describing the harsh and unfair situations of the different races. With all of this information in mind, do you think it was inevitable that the Europeans would eventually take over America? Also, if the Indians knew how they were going to be treated by the Europeans, how do you think they would have treated and reacted to the Europeans when they arrived in America?

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