“Situation of the Black population in the United States, and Dangers with which its Presence Threatens the Whites”

In Tocqueville’s section “Situation of the Black population in the United States, and Dangers with which its Presence Threatens the Whites” he speaks about slavery within America and makes very insightfull predictions into the ways in which slavery both will impact the future of the country and how slavery will change as time passes. Tocqueville explains how since slavery has been such a large part of American culture and society, that although Slavery may cease to exist at some point within America its effects on American culture are nearly permenant. He continues to speak about how Slavery has impacted the South and the North in different ways and that if slavery ever ceases to exist it will impact both regions to different extents. Seeing as there are many prejudices still common within America today, was Tocqueville right in saying that Slavery will forever have a continous impact and involvement in American society? Will there be a time in which these effects are no longer “immovable” within American culture?  Tocqueville’s comments on the Black population in America were very insightful and prompt the question of how America can move past the horrible prejudeces that were ingraied into society by the institution of slavery.

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