Toqueville’s piece seamlessly connects the ideas of freedom and potential in a new way. When reading his work, I felt that it seems obvious that a free man, who lives in a society of equality, has the ability and the drive to reach his full potential, but Tocqueville is one of the first to link these two ideas. I found it extremely interesting when he said the difference between man and brutes is that man is able to improve. I agree with this, but I would take it a step further to say that man is the only creature with the drive to improve. Animals could probably better themselves if they had the motivation to do so, or any capacity to conceive of a reason why they should. Animals have a fixed place in their food chains. There isn’t a reason for them to try to move up or down it, they solely want to stay int heir place and survive for as long as possible. I think Tocqueville argues that to some extent, this is what humans that live in Aristocratic nations are like. When humans have no way of escaping what they are “born” to be, they won’t even try to do so. Therefore, a productive society is one where everyone is considered created equal. The sky is the limit when everyone can possibly rise to the top, and destiny lies in the hands of the individual.